Friday, June 29, 2012


Yeah, I'm a posting queen today!!!  Bear with me (it's a little slow at work! lol Don't tell Alex! lol)!!!!

Do you see on the right side of these posts there's a place to
"Follow Me" (thank you Kat for getting me on the right track in that department!) on the blog? Please add your info there! I'd love to have you all on my list! You can also see the names of others on there who have amazing blogs as well. You can go to their blogs & see some amazing creations! Lots of different creative styles! If you visit them, tell them I sent you!

Oh, another thing, when you visit these blogs, it's always nice to leave a comment! As demonstrators or even just crafters, we love feedback on our creations! It's nice to know they "reached" someone on some level! So always feel free to leave a comment on the posts that "move" you to do so!!!

Happy Stampin'!!!!

1 comment:


  Well it's Bundle Time here on the NEW AT SU Blog Hop ! This international group of independent Stampin' Up! demonstrators is bring...