Thursday, June 14, 2012


Today's post is a little different.  No stamping, no cards.
Tomorrow night I will have the honor of participating in our area's annual 
Relay for Life! I am a proud member (for many years now) of my local theater's team, The Drama Dearies.  
If you don't know, Relay for Life is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, to help raise funds for research. I'm sure there isn't anyone who hasn't been touched in some way by this terrible disease. I sure have. Far too many times. 
This is a poster I did for the relay. Each team this year has the task of choosing 3 cancers that have affected it's members. Our team is doing leukemia, breast cancer and angiosarcoma. 
I chose the poster for angiosarcoma because it is very personal for me right now. One of my closest friends is bravely fighting this rare and aggressive of cancer. She is my hero. Her name is Becky, and she is only 36 years old. Not fair, right? That is the reason we participate in the relay. 
So for those of you struggling with this disease or caring for someone who is fighting, prayers to you all. One day there will be an end to this!

More cards tomorrow!

Happy Stampin'!

1 comment:

  1. Bless you Joni for doing that. Yes I have lost my love to cancer and a dear close friend of mine how has lung cancer from melanoma. She went into the hospital so please pray for my friend Cindy. I will pray for Becky tonight. God bless all the suffering. Peace, Bev Thanks again for your kind comments.



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