Friday, August 10, 2012


This card is so meaningful to me. I know you can no longer get the 
Reason to Smile stamp set! Too bad because it is a really nice one! It was July's special for only $5! Be sure not to miss out on these kinds of specials!!!

Anyway, last weekend I made this card for a friend who is in her last days of a very brave battle with breast cancer. 
The backstory:I would frequently send her cards, but haven't sent one in a few weeks. Too busy. Now, I knew she enjoyed receiving them because she told me so.  I heard she was in the hospital again & kept saying "I need to make her a card," but something always came up.

 Well, to all those people who said that this cardmaking business/hobby/therapy of ours means nothing, they are wrong!  You never know how they touch someone.

Now, I knew she enjoyed my cards, but I didn't know how much. A mutual friend said to me, "You need to make her a card! I just went to her house to see her, & she has all the cards you ever made her all around her room! She feels so special that you took the time to remember her with something special & homemade." Now I have sent her a ton in her 4 years or so of this battle!!! 

So after the tears subsided, I sat down & proceeded to make her a card! Unfortunately, I think this may be her last. She is now in the hospital waiting for God to welcome her home. I hope her family made sure she saw it. I want her to know that I was thinking about her right to the end. She is such a wonderful woman, & I am a better person for knowing her.

So don't EVER hesitate! Your beautiful cards DO means something to someone. You may never know who or what, but they do count! I am just happy that she recognized how much I care for her. And very proud to have brought a smile to her beautiful face during this challenge in her life. It may not seem like much, but to her it was huge. And I never knew until the end.

Stay strong Pam. God will have you singing your beautiful soprano voice in His heavenly choir. You will be missed here on earth. Until we meet again...

Happy Stampin'!


  1. I knew you were an earthly angel Joni when I met you at convention. I've just finished reading this post and tears are streaming down my cheeks. What a good friend you are and thanks so much for the reminder of the difference we can make in someone's life though our card making. I'm sorry your friend Pam is losing her battle. She must be an exceptional woman. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Penny, you're too sweet! And Pam is an exceptional woman! We can all learn a lot from her grace. Hugs!

  3. RIP Pam. You will be missed.



Hello friends! This month on the New at SU Blog Hop we are using the sketches on page 22 of the new Annual Catalog as inspiration for our ...